Friday, September 21, 2007

agent update

The agent liked what I did with the revisions on the partial and has now asked to see the complete ms! Yay! I was a little shocked to see the envelope waiting for me when I got home last night because I only posted the revised partial to the US last Monday and wasn't expecting to hear back until the end of October. I'll be printing out a copy later today so I can start going through it to double check one more time!

Thursday, September 13, 2007


- Ms revised and posted to US agent on Monday.
- August exam result received today - I passed - 60% - yay!

Monday, September 03, 2007


I'm bogged down in study and finishing my revisions for the US agent. My to do list is looking so scary that I'm almost at the point where I don't want to add anything else to it! But, on the plus side, I am almost over the cold I caught when we were on holiday and I LOVE being busy! I'm one of those sad people who work best when they're busy! And I have set aside special time for reading when I reach certain milestones on my to do list. For example, yesterday I ordered the new James Patterson book Double Cross which is out on Thursday. I should receive it Friday and I'll be desperate to read it asap so I've decided I can read it as soon as I've sent my revised ms off to the US.