Friday, September 21, 2007

agent update

The agent liked what I did with the revisions on the partial and has now asked to see the complete ms! Yay! I was a little shocked to see the envelope waiting for me when I got home last night because I only posted the revised partial to the US last Monday and wasn't expecting to hear back until the end of October. I'll be printing out a copy later today so I can start going through it to double check one more time!


Anonymous said...

Brilliant news!


Christina Phillips said...

Wow! Excellent news Monica! Good luck with the full!

The Fat Lady said...

Go you good thing!

Nell Dixon said...

Fingers crossed for you!

Phillipa said...

Monica - that sound very pormising indeed. Congrats!

Sara Hantz said...

WOW!!! Fingers crossed!!

Amanda Ashby said...

Hooray - Monica that is great news!!!!

Monica said...

Thank you all!