Sunday, February 04, 2007

it's my birthday!

It's my birthday so I don't have to study today! Yay! I did actually go to the library for a couple of hours yesterday morning for an intensive session so I don't feel bad at all about slacking off today. We've been to Tesco and got a finest Indian meal for two for dinner tonight - my choice since it's my birthday! And the dh got me some computer games which he has just installed on my laptop so I'm off to play CSI!!!


Anonymous said...

Belated Happy Birthday!

Amanda Ashby said...

Happy Birthday, Monica. Sorry I missed it but hope you had a great one (did I tell you I ended up getting 24 season 5 for 20 quid? Thanks for the tip off!!)

Sara Hantz said...

Hope you had a great birthday!

Nell Dixon said...

Hope you had a great day!

Monica said...

Thanks Sue, Amanda, Sara and Nell!

I managed to be well for the day but was then sick for the whole of last week. Today was the first day I haven't eaten at least half a packet of painkillers. Fingers crossed this means I'm well again. Exhausted still, but well again.

And yay that Amanda got 24 season 5!!!!!