Friday, March 09, 2007

exciting news!

I've had a pretty cool day!

I'm going to be in a magazine! Of course, it's a purchasing magazine so it's probably not that exciting to anyone but me...and my manager! I got the phone call about 4.30pm today. It all has to be run passed our corporate affairs people first but I'm going to work on it this weekend just in case they give it the green light.

It's nothing flash - just a piece for a people & jobs page where they have a half page Q&A with someone in the industry each issue.

In other news, I made a bit of a fool of myself today! I went to a very important meeting where a police chief inspector was giving an update on an issue - and yes I am delibrately being vague about where and what this meeting was!

As we were sitting waiting for the meeting to start, I browsed through the agenda then leaned over to my colleague and said in a loud excited schoolgirl-ish voice "the chief inspector is going to be here". My colleague pointed to the person sitting directly in front of him, who turned around and grinned at me...the chief inspector himself!


Then another colleague and I had a giggle after the meeting when, as we were collecting our coats from the cloakroom, we spotted the chief inspector's hat... Ah, women can be so childish sometimes!

Tomorrow should also be pretty cool. I'm going to an RNA meeting where I'll meet Jessica Hart for the first time, which is pretty cool because I've been working on her website for about 18 months and we've only spoken on the phone once. The rest is done via email.

And since the meeting's location is near Oxford St, first I shall be visiting Books Etc - which is like my idea of heaven! - and will probably spend an hour or so in the Starbucks inside Books Etc doing some study - less cool but important.


Phillipa said...

Being in print is being in print Monica and day jobs rock! Hope you enjoye dthe RNA day..wish I lived closer to London.

Monica said...

Hi Pip! I happen to love my day job so I agree!

I didn't go to the whole RNA day, just the meeting in the afternoon. It was fab to finally meet Jessica Hart in person!