Sunday, January 28, 2007


Why, oh why, am I not better organised? I seem to revel in leaving things until the last minute or agreeing to do a million things at once. I wish I was more organised! I also seem to revel in putting pressure on myself to reach unrealistic targets then I get stressed when I don't achieve them.

For example, I'm studying again now and I worked out I need to do four units a week in order to get through the full course before attending a related seminar at the end of February. It's the end of week one and I'm only part way through unit two. That means I have to study six units in the coming week...a week in which I have a day trip to Cambridge to see my sister one final time before she returns home to the other side of the world, I will be away all day Thursday as I'm working out of another office for the day, and I will also be stressing madly about my exam results which are due on either Wednesday, Thursday or Friday (I'm not organised enough to know exactly which day to expect them).

I know from experience that there is no point studying on Mondays because I'm tired after the first day of the working week. Note: I also know that this particular week is going to be frantic as I have back to back appointments in my diary all week.

I know that Tuesdays are out because I have something I have to do on Tuesdays.

I'd be freaking out if it wasn't for the fact that I should be able to get in a few hours study on the train on Wednesday!

I guess it's not going to be a writing week!


Phillipa said...

Good luck with the exam reuslts Monica and hope life becomes a little less hectic for you soon.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the study and the exam results, Monica!

*waves to Pip*


Monica said...


I'm pretty sure life will settle down next week...

Either way, I'll be reading your book next week, Pip!!