Sunday, August 26, 2007

the best holiday ever!

I'm home again and I've had the BEST HOLIDAY EVER!!!! Aside from the fact that we both came home with stinking colds, that is. Apart from one trip to the supermarket to buy fresh fruit and veg, we've spent the last two days lying on the sofa watching videos or in bed sleeping, all the while coughing and blowing our noses! Nice!

But I don't care because I had the BEST HOLIDAY EVER!!!!!!

It truly was.

I am yet to feel sad that it is over. That will probably hit me on Tuesday morning when I head off to work, when reality takes over and I realise that I am suddenly back to being rushed off my feet at work every single second that I'm there, that I need to start studying again and that I need to finish my revisions.

But for now I'm sitting here listening to Dance Anthems on Radio 1 and a top tune from the best dj in the world, who I just happened to see on my holiday!!!! Thanks to my darling husband for booking the tickets!! Love ya!!

1 comment:

Sara Hantz said...

Glad to hear you had such a fabulous holiday! Hope you feel better soon.