Monday, August 13, 2007

things to be happy about

1) I'm going on holiday to sunny Spain on Friday!

2) I bought Swan Adamson's latest Little Black Dress, Memoirs are Made of This, today to take on holiday with me. It features the delightful Venus Gilroy from My Three Husbands. That and She'll Take it (by Mary Carter) are two of my favourite Little Black Dress books so far. Believe me, I have a lot of them! They're all brilliant!

3) I've eaten an obscene amount of chocolate today. Ok, so maybe I shouldn't be happy about that, I mean, I'm not exactly a perfect size, I'm somewhere between a UK 10 and 12 with jiggly thighs and bottom and a less than flat stomach but I don't care about dieting today, or pretty much any other day.

4) I have a tan! So what if it came out of a bottle and it's all streaky. I have a tan! I never tan. Never. Ever. Hence why this year I bought FAKE TAN. Tonight's application should fix the streaky bits. Maybe. I don't really care right now.

5) An agent who asked to see more of my ms when I sent her a query letter has just been in touch to ask for revisions! Thankfully, I understand exactly what she meant in her letter and know exactly what I'm going to do to fix it.

6) I have a fantastic husband who I love dearly!


Sara Hantz said...

WOW!!! Congrats on the agent request for revisions, that's awesome news. And have a fab time in Spain. And diets...... arrrggghh don't mention them!!!!

Phillipa said...

Sorry I'm rather late to this but well done on your agent request and I hope you're having a lovely holiday. P x

Amanda Ashby said...

Hooray on the revisions request and have lots of fun on your holiday (or have you had it? I'm VERY behind on my blog reading!!!!)

Christina Phillips said...

Yay Monica, congrats on the revision request!

And guess what...I've tagged you!

Monica said...

Thanks Sara, Phillipa, Amanda and Christina!! Home from holiday and recovering from the cold from hell. Hopefully I'll finish those revisions tomorrow and head to the post office on Tuesday!