Sunday, September 17, 2006


So, I spent Friday night working on the first person version of Tarts Inc. I'm pleased to be able to report progress. LBD take the first 100 pages which is SEVEN chapters for me.

The first three chapters are as polished and ready to go as they ever will be. Chapter four is done but needs a polish. Five and six need rewriting but everything is there so that shouldn't take too long. And seven is done, done, done.

I'm thinking I can have this baby out the door by Friday. Which brings me to my next dilema - do I send it straight in or do I send it to agents first? I only "know" two LBD authors and both have agents.

There's also a second dilema in the background but it's only a small one - a name change. I'm so over Tarts Inc. It was the name for my Modern X version. This version is much funkier and I'd like a new name to go with it. So far all I've come up with are:
Breaking The Rules
Breaking All The Rules
Breaking Her Rules
The Rulebreaker
The Four Week Rule

Breaking All The Rules is the only real contender at this stage.

In other news, we visited a HUGE stationery store - Staples - today! For me, it was like being in heaven! As far as my husband was concerned, I was weird! I tried to explain to him that all writers like stationery but he just didn't get it. But in the end he did give in and let me buy more things for his desk that he actually needed. I didn't get anything for myself because I already have an overflow of surplus stationery in the house.

And I have also completed ONE assignment this weekend. Last night, in fact. Which means I am now only one assignment behind schedule. If this headache that is currently bothering me goes away, I will get that assignment done tonight and may even start on the next one.

It's going to be a busy week. It's our seventh wedding anniversary tomorrow so shan't be writing or studying! On Tuesday we'll be watching our weekly dose of Prison Break and the first two episodes of Spooks, which returns tonight. And on Wednesday we'll be watching the start of series two of The Unit. The rest of the week will be dedicated to study and writing, which I will, of course, be finding time for on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.

POSTSCRIPT: Now I have another dilema. Is it the first 100 pages I'm meant to send in or is it the first three chapters? I've seen guidelines with both. I have the first three chapters ready to go. What to do?


Christina Phillips said...

Happy Anniversary, Monica!

Amanda Ashby said...

My two cents would be to query agents first with 3 chapters/synopsis. Then see what sort of response you get before going directly to the publisher. I'd specifically say to an agent as well that you think the book would be a good fit for LBD.

Here's a good place to start if you need agent details.

Good luck!

The Fat Lady said...

Go you good thing! Happy anniversary Monica! Good luck with the ms. My 2 cents on the name options. Breaking The Rules or The Four Week Rule. I liked the first one as it sounded kinda snappy to me and the last one 'cos it got me curious.

BTW: I'm with you on the stationary thing and my husband thinks I'm a bit odd too. Mine you, in my case he's just the last in a long line. ;)

Monica said...

Thanks for the anniversary wishes!

Update on the name change: I'm going with Breaking The Rules, because that's what I called it when I emailed the editor about it today.

Update on the agent thing in the post coming up in a few seconds.

Sara Hantz said...

I like the title you've chosen. Good luck with the editor!