Sunday, September 24, 2006

i wrote

...and wrote and wrote. And now I'm on a high!

The first seven chapters of Breaking the Rules are printed, ready to go to Little Black Dress at lunch time tomorrow. Can I just say that I think this ms rocks? And I think my synopsis is pretty cool too!

And the full of Sea of Dreams is also printed and ready to go to DC Thomson tomorrow.


I'm exhausted! Or at least I should be.

The obvious question is did I do any study this weekend? Nope. Not a dot. But then there's always next week.

This coming week is about editing Heaven Sent (previously referred to as Holly's ms or The Husband Hunt) as my fantastic cp has sent me a fantastic crit.


The Fat Lady said...

That's great Monica!

Anonymous said...

Yay on getting Breaking the Rules and Sea of Dreams ready to go. Fingers crossed.

Glad to be of help with the crit and the new title... :-)